I recommend that you open another copy of this document in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the figures and listings while you are reading about them.
- Listing 1 . The MXML file for DragAndDrop01.
- Listing 2 . Beginning of the Driver class for DragAndDrop01.
- Listing 3 . Beginning of the constructor for the Driver class.
- Listing 4 . Prepare the three images.
- Listing 5 . Register a creationComplete event handler.
- Listing 6 . Beginning of the creationComplete event handler.
- Listing 7 . Register a mouseDown event handler on each Image object.
- Listing 8 . Register dragDrop and dragEnter event handlers on the Canvas object.
- Listing 9 . Beginning of the mouseDown event handler.
- Listing 10 . Get and save the drag initiator.
- Listing 11 . Populate a DragSource object with a copy of the image being dragged.
- Listing 12 . Initiate the drag and drop operation by calling the doDrag method.
- Listing 13 . The dragEnter event handler.
- Listing 14 . Beginning of the dragDrop event handler.
- Listing 15 . Do the drop.
- Listing 16 . The MXML file for DragAndDrop01.
- Listing 17 . The ActionScript file for DragAndDrop01.
Supplemental material
I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive collection of online programming tutorials. You will find a consolidated index at www.DickBaldwin.com .
General Background Information
For Adobe online documentation on this topic, see Using Drag and Drop .
A drag and drop operation is carried out in three stages:
- Initiation
- Dragging
- Dropping
As you are probably already aware, initiation consists of the user pointing to an item with the mouse and pressing the mouse button.
During the drag operation, the user drags the item to another location on the screen without releasing the mouse button.
When the item has been dragged to the new location, the user releases the mouse button causing the item to remain in the new location.
It is also possible to copy an item using the drag and drop gestures, but that capability won't be illustrated in this lesson. Instead, this lesson will concentrate on moving a Flex component from one location in its container to a different location in its container.
Classes and events
The sample program that I will explain in this lesson will use the following classes, methods, and events:
- MouseEvent class
- mouseDown event
- DragEvent class
- dragDrop event
- dragEnter event
- DragManager class
- acceptDragDrop method
- doDrag method
- DragSource class
- addData method
- hasFormat method
I will explain a program named DragAndDrop01 . This program illustrates the fundamentals of drag and drop in ActionScript 3. The program places three images in the upper-left corner of aCanvas object as shown in Figure 1.
Program output at startup. |
![]() |
The program file structure
The program file structure, taken from the Flex Builder 3 Navigator panel is as shown in Figure 2.
Program file structure. |
![]() |
Three image files
As you can see in Figure 2, the program uses the following image files :
- 0 - space.jpg
- 1 - snowscene.jpg
- 2 - frog.jpg
The z-axes indices
The program sets the z-axis indices in the order shown in the above list on the Image objects produced using the image files. This causes the space image to be in the back (0), the frogimage to be in the front (2), and the snowscene image to be in the middle (1).
The three images are initially placed in the upper-left corner of the canvas, which is shown as a cyan rectangle in Figure 1.
Any image can be dragged
If you run this program, you will see that any any of the images can be dragged and dropped anywhere within the canvas as long as the mouse pointer doesn't leave the canvas. However, if the edge of the dragged image goes outside the left edge or the top of the canvas, the drag and drop operation is aborted.
If the dragged image goes outside the right side or the bottom of the canvas, scroll bars automatically appear on the canvas as shown in Figure 3.
Program output after dragging the images
Figure 3 shows the program output after dragging the three images to different locations.
Program output after dragging the images. |
![]() |
Discussion and sample code
Will explain in fragments
I will explain the code for this program in fragments. Complete listings of the MXML code and the ActionScript code are provided in Listing 16 and Listing 17 near the end of the lesson.
The MXML file
The MXML file is shown in Listing 1 and also in Listing 16 for your convenience.
LISTING 1: he MXML file for DragAndDrop01.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
As you can see, the MXML file is very simple because the program was coded almost entirely in ActionScript. The MXML code simply instantiates an object of the Driver class. From that point forward, the behavior of the program is controlled by ActionScript code.
The ActionScript file
Beginning of the Driver class
The Driver class begins in Listing 2.
LISTING 2: Beginning of the Driver class for DragAndDrop01.
package CustomClasses{
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import mx.controls.Image;
import mx.core.DragSource;
import mx.events.DragEvent;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.managers.DragManager;
public class Driver extends Canvas {
private var imageA:Image = new Image();
private var imageB:Image = new Image();
private var imageC:Image = new Image();
private var localX:Number;
private var localY:Number;
Extends the Canvas class
As you can see in Listing 2, the Driver class extends the Canvas class. Therefore, an object of the Driver class is a Canvas object and has all of the attributes associated with a Canvasobject. Among those attributes is the following, which was taken from the documentation :
"A Canvas layout container defines a rectangular region in which you place child containers and controls. It is the only container that lets you explicitly specify the location of its children within the container by using the x and y properties of each child."
As you will see, the new location of each image is explicitly specified each time it is dragged to a new location.
Instantiate three new Image objects
The code in Listing 2 instantiates three new Image objects, which will be loaded with the contents of the three image files listed earlier . The code in Listing 2 also declares two instance variables that will be used to store the position of the mouse pointer within an image when the drag operation is initiated.
Beginning of the constructor for the Driver class
The constructor for the Driver class begins in Listing 3.
LISTING 3: Beginning of the constructor for the Driver class.
public function Driver(){//constructor
Make the canvas visible
Normally a Canvas object is not visible. The code in Listing 3 sets the alpha value for the Canvas object to 1.0 making it opaque and visible. Listing 3 also sets the background color of the Canvas object to cyan as shown in Figure 1.
The size of the Canvas object will be set later when the Canvas object and all of its children have been constructed.
Prepare the three images
Listing 4 prepares the three images for use by the program.
LISTING 4: Prepare the three images.
//Embed the image files in the SWF file.
var imgA:Class;
var imgB:Class;
var imgC:Class;
//Load the images from the embedded image files
// into the Image objects.
// Set the z-axes indices such that the frog is
// in front, the snowscene is in the middle and the
// space image is at the back.
addChildAt(imageB,0);//set index to 0
addChildAt(imageA,1);//set index to 1
addChildAt(imageC,2);//set index to 2
Listing 4 begins by embedding the three image files in the SWF file. Then it loads the contents of the image files into the Image objects instantiated in Listing 2. Finally Listing 3 adds the Image objects as children of the Canvas object.
Set the z-axis indices
The z-axis index of each Image object is set in Figure 4 so as to place the space image at the back, the frog image at the front, and the snowscene image between the other two.
Register a creationComplete event handler
Listing 5 registers a creationComplete event handler on the Canvas object. This event handler will be executed after the Canvas object and all of its children are fully constructed.
LISTING 5: Register a creationComplete event handler.
} //end constructor
Beginning of the creationComplete event handler
The creationComplete event handler begins in Listing 6. This handler is executed once when the Canvas object and all of its children have been constructed.
LISTING 6: Beginning of the creationComplete event handler.
private function completeHandler(
//Set the width and height of the canvas based on
// the dimensions of imageB.
this.width = 1.3*imageB.width;
this.height = 1.3*imageB.height;
Set the size of the Canvas object
Listing 6 sets the width and height of the Canvas object based on the dimensions of the Image object referred to by imageB . It was not possible to reliably execute this code in the constructor because the code might be executed before the contents of the image file were fully loaded into the Image object.
Register a mouseDown event handler on each Image object
A drag and drop operation is heavily dependent on the handling of different types of events. The remaining code in the creationComplete event handler registers appropriate event handlers on the images and on the Canvas object to support the drag and drop operation with the Canvas object as the drag target.
As you will see later, a drag operation is initialized when an image dispatches a mouseDown event. Listing 7 registers the same mouseDown event handler on all three Image objects.
LISTING 7: Register a mouseDown event handler on each Image object.
Register dragDrop and dragEnter event handlers on the Canvas object
Two different event handlers must be registered on the drag target, which is the Canvas object in this case. The registration of those event handlers on the Canvas object is accomplished in Listing 8.
LISTING 8: Register dragDrop and dragEnter event handlers on the Canvas object.
} //end completeHandler
Beginning of the mouseDown event handler
The mouseDown event handler that was registered on the Image objects in Listing 7 begins in Listing 9. This event handler initiates the drag and drop operation on the Image object that dispatches the event.
LISTING 9: Beginning of the mouseDown event handler.
private function mouseDownHandler(
//Save the location of the mouse within the image
// being dragged. This information will be used
// later to properly position the dropped image in
// the drop target.
this.localX = event.localX;
this.localY = event.localY;
Positioning the dropped object
The easiest approach simply drops the image with its upper-left corner at the position of the mouse pointer when the mouse button is released. However, in my opinion, that is somewhat less than satisfactory from a visual viewpoint.
The drag proxy
When you drag an image, there is a default drag proxy that moves along with the mouse. (It is possible to replace the default drag proxy with a drag proxy of your choice.) The default drag proxy is a partially transparent rectangle that is the same size as the image.
Adjust the position of the upper-left corner
My preference is to manually adjust the drop location of the image based on the upper-left corner of the drag proxy and not based on the location of the mouse pointer. The code in Listing 9 gets and saves the coordinates of the mouse pointer within the image when the event is dispatched. As you will see later, I use these coordinates later to set the drop location on the basis of the upper-left corner of the proxy.
Get and save the drag initiator
The documentation refers to the object being dragged as the drag initiator .
LISTING 10: Get and save the drag initiator.
//Get the drag initiator component from the event
// object and cast it to the correct type.
var dragInitiator:Image = Image(
In this program, the drag initiator could be any of the three images shown in Figure 1 and Figure 3.
The code in Listing 10
- Gets a reference to the Image object that dispatched the mouseDown event from the incoming method parameter
- Casts it to type Image , and
- Saves it in the variable named dragInitiator .
Populate a DragSource object with a copy of the image being dragged
Here is part of what the documentation has to say about the DragSource class.
"The DragSource class contains the data being dragged. The data can be in multiple formats, depending on the type of control that initiated the drag.Each format of data is identified with a string. ... Data can be added directly using the addData() method, or indirectly using the addHandler() method."
Listing 11 adds the image being dragged to a new DragSource object and provides an identifier for the format as a string. You will see later how this string is used to establish the drop target.
LISTING 11: Populate a DragSource object with a copy of the image being dragged.
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
Initiate the drag and drop operation by calling the doDrag method
Listing 12 initiates the drag and drop operation by calling the static doDrag method of the DragManager class.
LISTING 12: Initiate the drag and drop operation by calling the doDrag method.
}//end mouseDownHandler
What does the documentation have to say about the DragManager class?
Here is part of what the documentation has to say about the DragManager class.
"The DragManager class manages drag and drop operations, which let you move data from one place to another in a Flex application. For example, you can select an object, such as an item in a List control or a Flex control, such as an Image control, and then drag it over another component to add it to that component.All methods and properties of the DragManager are static, so you do not need to create an instance of it. ...When the user selects an item with the mouse, the selected component is called the drag initiator. The image displayed during the drag operation is called the drag proxy.When the user moves the drag proxy over another component, the dragEnter event is sent to that component. If the component accepts the drag, it becomes the drop target and receives dragOver, dragExit, and dragDrop events.When the drag is complete, a dragComplete event is sent to the drag initiator."
What about the doDrag method?
The documentation states simply that the doDrag method
"Initiates a drag and drop operation."
The doDrag method parameters
The doDrag method has several parameters with default values in addition to the three shown in Listing 12. Here is part of what the documentation has to say about the three parameters passed to the doDrag method in Listing 12.
- dragInitiator :IUIComponent - IUIComponent that specifies the component initiating the drag.
- dragSource :DragSource - DragSource object that contains the data being dragged.
- event:MouseEvent - The MouseEvent that contains the mouse information from the start of the drag.
The end of the mouseDown event handler
Listing 12 signals the end of the mouseDown event handler. This leaves two more event handlers to be discussed. The remaining two event handlers were registered on the drop target ( Canvas object) by the code in Listing 8.
The dragEnter event handler
As you learned earlier , when the user moves the drag proxy over another component, that component dispatches a dragEnter event.
If a dragEnter event handler has been registered on that component, the handler method is executed. If the code in the event handler accepts the drag, it becomes the drop target and receives dragOver , dragExit , and dragDrop events.
In this case the intended drop target is the Canvas object and the event handler shown in Listing 13 is registered on that object.
LISTING 13: The dragEnter event handler.
private function enterHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
if (event.dragSource.hasFormat("imageObject")){
} //end if
} //end enterHandler
Confirm the correct format string
The code in Listing 13 checks to confirm that the format string in the DragSource object matches "imageObject" (see Listing 11). If so, it calls the static acceptDragDrop method on the DragManager class, passing a reference to itself as a parameter in the method call.
Accept the dragged object
The call to the acceptDragDrop method notifies the DragManager that the Canvas object is willing to accept the contents of the DragSource object being dropped onto itself.
Beginning of the dragDrop event handler
The dragDrop event handler was registered on the Canvas object in Listing 8. This method is executed after the Canvas object accepts the drag and the user releases the mouse button while the drag proxy is over the Canvas .
Correct the drop position for the image
The code in Listing 14 uses the current location of the mouse pointer along with the values stored in localX and localY to compute the new location for the upper-left corner of the image when it is dropped on the canvas.
(Recall that localX and localY contain the coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the upper-left corner of the image when the mouseDown event was dispatched by the image and the drag and drop operation began.)
I explained the need for this position adjustment earlier .
LISTING 14: Beginning of the dragDrop event handler.
private function dropHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
var cornerX:Number = (Canvas(event.currentTarget).
mouseX) - localX;
var cornerY:Number = (Canvas(event.currentTarget).
mouseY) - localY;
Do the drop
Listing 15 checks to confirm that the location at which the upper-left corner of the image will be placed is within the bounds of the canvas on the left side and the top. If so, it sets the coordinates of the Image object that dispatched the original mouseDown event to the coordinates that were computed in Listing 14. This causes that Image object to move to the new position on the Canvas object.
LISTING 15: Do the drop.
if((cornerX > 0.0) && (cornerY > 0.0)){
Image(event.dragInitiator).x = cornerX;
Image(event.dragInitiator).y = cornerY
} //end if
} //end dropHandler
} //end class
} //end package
The end of the program
Listing 15 also signals the end of the dragDrop event handler, the end of the Driver class, and the end of the program.
Run the program
I encourage you to run this program from the web. Then copy the code from Listing 16 and Listing 17. Use that code to create a Flex project. Compile and run the project. Experiment with the code, making changes, and observing the results of your changes. Make certain that you can explain why your changes behave as they do.
I will publish a list containing links to ActionScript resources as a separate document. Search for ActionScript Resources in the Connexions search box.
Complete program listings
Complete listings for the MXML and ActionScript code discussed in this lesson are provided in Listing 16 and Listing 17 below.
LISTING 16: The MXML file for DragAndDrop01.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
LISTING 17: The ActionScript file for DragAndDrop01.
Illustrates the fundamentals of drag and drop in
ActionScript 3.
Places three images in a Canvas object:
0 - space.jpg - largest
1 - snowscene.jpg - midsize
2 - frog.jpg - smallest
Sets the z-axis indices as shown above. This causes the
space image to be in the back, the frog image to be in the
front, and the snowscene image to be in the middle.
Any of the images can be dragged and dropped anywhere
within the canvas so long as the mouse pointer doesn't
leave the canvas. However, If the edge of the dragged
image goes outside the left edge or the top of the canvas,
the drag and drop operation is aborted. If the dragged
image goes outside the right side or the bottom of the
canvas, scroll bars automatically appear on the canvas.
The size of the canvas is based on the size of the space
image so that other images can be substituted for mine
when the program is recompiled so long as the file names
and paths are the same.
package CustomClasses{
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import mx.controls.Image;
import mx.core.DragSource;
import mx.events.DragEvent;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.managers.DragManager;
public class Driver extends Canvas {
private var imageA:Image = new Image();
private var imageB:Image = new Image();
private var imageC:Image = new Image();
private var localX:Number;
private var localY:Number;
public function Driver(){//constructor
//Make the Canvas visible.
//Embed the image files in the SWF file.
var imgA:Class;
var imgB:Class;
var imgC:Class;
//Load the images from the embedded image files
// into the Image objects.
// Set the z-axes indices such that the frog is
// in front, the snowscene is in the middle and the
// space image is at the back.
addChildAt(imageB,0);//set index to 0
addChildAt(imageA,1);//set index to 1
addChildAt(imageC,2);//set index to 2
//Register an event handler that will be executed
// whcn the canvas and its children are fully
// constructed.
} //end constructor
//This handler method is executed when the Canvas and
// its children have been fully created.
private function completeHandler(
//Set the width and height of the canvas based on
// the dimensions of imageB.
this.width = 1.3*imageB.width;
this.height = 1.3*imageB.height;
//Register event listeners to support drag and drop
// operations on all three images with the canvas
// as the drag target.
} //end completeHandler
// This event handler initiates the drag-and-drop \
// operation for the image that dispatches the
// mouseDown event.
private function mouseDownHandler(
//Save the location of the mouse within the image
// being dragged. This information will be used
// later to properly position the dropped image in
// the drop target.
this.localX = event.localX;
this.localY = event.localY;
//Get the drag initiator component from the event
// object and cast it to the correct type.
var dragInitiator:Image = Image(
//Add the image being dragged to a DragSource
// object and define an identifier as a string.
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
//Call the static doDrag method on the DragManager
// class to manage the overall drag and drop
// operation.
}//end mouseDownHandler
//This dragEnter event handler causes the canvas to
// be a suitable drop target.
private function enterHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
if (event.dragSource.hasFormat("imageObject")){
} //end if
} //end enterHandler
//Execute the dragDrop event handler to drop the image
// in its new location. Compensate for the fact that
// the mouse pointer is not at the upper-left corner
// of the image. Also don't allow the image to be
// dragged off the left side of the canvas or off the
// top of the canvas.
private function dropHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
//Compute the position of the upper-left corner of
// the dropped image.
var cornerX:Number = (Canvas(event.currentTarget).
mouseX) - localX;
var cornerY:Number = (Canvas(event.currentTarget).
mouseY) - localY;
if((cornerX > 0.0) && (cornerY > 0.0)){
Image(event.dragInitiator).x = cornerX;
Image(event.dragInitiator).y = cornerY
} //end if
} //end dropHandler
} //end class
} //end package
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