General background information
The ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform is a voluminous document. Understanding ActionScript events on the basis of that document alone can be a daunting task.
There are two entry points into the documentation that can make it somewhat easier to navigate:
- The class
- The addEventListener method
The class
As I understand it, all possible ActionScript events are represented by subclasses of the class. That class has approximately eighty subclasses, many of which are further extended into additional subclasses.
The class
For example, the class has eight subclasses, some of which are extended into other subclasses. Therefore, the total number of subclasses of the Event class may be well in excess of one hundred. This means that there may be more than one hundred different types of events being dispatched during the running of an ActionScript program.
Event types and subtypes
An ActionScript class represents a type . Therefore, each subclass of the Event class defines a different type of event. Many subclasses define a large number of subtypes.
For example, the MouseEvent class defines about seventeen subtypes ranging in alphabetical order from CLICK to ROLL_OVER , including MOUSE_MOVE , MOUSE_DOWN ,MOUSE_UP , etc.
(For brevity, I will refer to the subtypes as types for the remainder of this document.)
Hundreds of event types and hundreds of object types
Therefore, there are many hundreds of different types of events that can be dispatched in various combinations by hundreds of different types of objects during the running of an ActionScript program.
The DisplayObject class
Objects of some classes (such as Button ) , which are subclasses of the DisplayObject class, can dispatch events as a result of direct user interaction. For example, a user can click on a button and cause a click event to be dispatched.
The URLLoader class
Objects of other classes (such as URLLoader ) , which are not subclasses of the DisplayObject class, cannot be caused to dispatch an event as a result of direct user interaction. (As far as I know, there is no way for a user to interact directly with an object of the URLLoader class.)
However, an object of the URLLoader class can dispatch nine different types of events ranging in alphabetical order from activate to securityError .
The addEventListener methods
The documentation index for Flex Builder 3 lists eight different versions of the addEventListener method in classes plus one that is declared in an interface. Of the eight versions defined in classes, one is defined in the EventDispatcher class. That is the one that I will concentrate on in this lesson.
For the record, however, four of the eight versions are overridden versions of the method that is defined in the EventDispatcher class. The remaining three of the eight are defined in classes that extend the Proxy class, which I will ignore in this lesson.
The addEventListener method in the EventDispatcher class
According to the documentation, the addEventListener method that is defined in the EventDispatcher class " Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event."
Parameters of the addEventListener method
This method requires the following five parameters, the last three of which have default values:
- type:String
- listener:Function
- useCapture:Boolean = false
- priority:int = 0
- useWeakReference:Boolean = false
Will concentrate on the first two parameters
I will concentrate on the first two parameters in this lesson. In addition, I will refer you to Understanding the AS3 Event Flow by Jody Hall for an excellent discussion of the purpose and use of the third parameter.
The type of the event
The first parameter , which is the type of the event, usually looks something like the following in ActionScript syntax:
The event-handler function
The second parameter is the name of a function or method that processes the event. This method must accept an Event object as its only parameter and must return void. A sample ActionScript signature for a suitable event handler method follows:
private function activateHandler(event:Event):void
Note that the actual type of the parameter may be any subclass of Event , such as MouseEvent for example. Note also that only the name of the function (without parentheses) is passed to the addEventListener method.
Available to all subclasses of EventDispatcher
The addEventListener method is defined in the EventDispatcher class and inherited by all subclasses of that class. Therefore, the method can be called on any object instantiated from any subclass of the EventDispatcher class.
There are many subclasses of the EventDispatcher class
The EventDispatcher class has approximately seventy-five immediate subclasses that ultimately fan out to include hundreds and possibly thousands of individual classes. (For example, the Button class is a subclass of the EventDispatcher class about seven levels down the inheritance hierarchy.)
Many combinations are nonsensical
This means that hundreds of different event types can be registered on hundreds of different object types. However, many of those combinations of event types and object types make absolutely no sense at all.
The SolidColor class
For example, one of the subclasses of the EventDispatcher class is named SolidColor . You can register a handler for a MouseEvent.CLICK event on a SolidColor object with no obvious ill effects. There is no compiler error and no runtime error.
However, the registration of the event handler on the object has no effect. As far as I know, it is not possible to cause a SolidColor object to dispatch a CLICK event. Therefore, theclick event handler will never be executed.
A weakness in the event model
In my opinion, the ability for the programmer to register event types on objects that will simply ignore events of that type is a major weakness in the ActionScript event model. Other programming languages such as Java provide more help in avoiding such programming errors.
Guarding against nonsensical combinations
How can you determine which combinations of classes and event types make sense and which do not?
As usual, your best friend is the documentation. For example, the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform allows you to click on a class name in the leftmost frame and read about that class in the rightmost frame. For every class that supports events, there is a hyperlink at the top of the rightmost frame labeled Events . Clicking on that hyperlink will expose all of the event types supported by objects of the class being viewed.
SolidColor events
For example, objects of the SolidColor class support only two types of events:
Although you may be able to register event handlers for other types of events on an object of the SolidColor class, it doesn't make any sense to do so. The documentation tells us that there is no point in registering a MouseEvent.CLICK event on a SolidColor object.
The ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE event types
Both of these event types are defined in the EventDispatcher class and are inherited by all classes whose objects have the ability to dispatch events (other than subclasses of theProxy class that I am ignoring in this lesson) . They are both dispatched by the system as the result of certain runtime conditions that may be beyond the direct control of the user. I will explain a sample program later that uses these two event types.
The Flex Builder IDE is also helpful
Other useful tools for avoiding nonsensical combinations of classes and event types are the Flex Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4 IDEs. The IDEs provides popup hints at various points as you type ActionScript code. In some cases, the popup hints will list the types of events supported by the object on which you are registering an event listener.
The DisplayObject class
Of the large number of immediate subclasses of the EventDispatcher class, the one that will probably garner most of your attention in your early ActionScript programming experience is the class named DisplayObject . According to the documentation:
"The DisplayObject class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the display list. The display list manages all objects displayed in Flash Player or Adobe AIR."
Flex components
All of the objects with which the user can have direct interaction are instantiated from subclasses of this class. For example, I believe that all of the components that appear in theComponents tab in the Design view of Flex Builder 3 or Flash Builder 4 are subclasses of the DisplayObject class.
I also believe that all of those classes are grouped into packages such as the following:
- mx.controls
- mx.containers
- mx.modules
- mx.charts
There are about sixty-five classes in the Components tab of Flex Builder 3, and those are the classes that usually involve direct user interaction. That leaves many more classes that support events that don't usually involve direct user interaction.
Events that don't involve direct user interaction
Even some of the classes that are subclasses of DisplayObject support events that don't involve direct user interaction such as the activate and deactivate events.
Events that don't involve user interaction are usually events that are dispatched because of some change of state within the program. For example, it is possible to register event listeners on object properties and cause other objects to be notified when the value of such properties change.
I will present and explain two programs in the remainder of this lesson. The first program named ActivateEvent01 provides a relatively simple illustration of servicing events that are dispatched independently of direct user interaction.
The second program named Effects03 is somewhat more substantial. It illustrates the servicing of events that are dispatched as a result of direct user interaction as well as events that are dispatched independently of direct user interaction.
Discussion and sample code
A simple MXML file
Both of the programs that I will explain in this lesson use the same simple MXML file shown in Listing 1 and also in Listing 14.
LISTING 1: Common code for the MXML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This MXML code simply instantiates a new object of the Driver class in the cc namespace. Beyond that point, all program behavior is controlled by ActionScript code.
The program named ActivateEvent01
This is probably the most fundamental of all event-driven ActionScript programs. This program illustrates the activate and deactivate events. According to the EventDispatcherdocumentation, the activate event is "Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active."
Similarly, the deactivate event is "Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application loses the operating system focus and is becoming inactive."
Program screen graphics
The screen output for this program is shown in Figure 1. This output doesn't change during the running of the program.
Program ActivateEvent01 screen graphics. |
![]() |
Must run in debug mode
This program uses calls to the trace function to produce output text on the console screen. Therefore, you will need to compile and run the program in debug mode in the IDE to get matching results.
Gain and then lose operating system focus
If you start the program in debug mode, click somewhere inside the Flash window and then click somewhere in another window or on the desktop, you will cause the Flash Player to first gain and then lose the operating system focus. In other words, on the first click inside the Flash window, the Flash Player will become the active program. On the second click in another window, another program will become the active program.
Debug output in the system console
When you do that, output similar to that shown in Figure 2 should appear in the IDE console.
Debug output in the system console. |
![]() |
A snapshot of the Flex Builder 3 console
Figure 2 shows a snapshot of the console window in the Flex Builder 3 IDE when the above procedure was executed in debug mode.
The three lines of text beginning with the word Activated were produced when the Flash Player gained operating system focus. The three lines of text beginning with the wordDeactivated were produced when the Flash Player lost operating system focus.
The currentTarget and target properties of the Event object
For an explanation of the currentTarget and the target properties shown in Figure 2, see the excellent article titled Understanding the AS3 Event Flow by Jody Hall. As you will see in the next sample program, this information can be used to identify the component that dispatched the event.
Will discuss in fragments
I will explain the code for ActivateEvent01 in fragments. A complete listing of the class file is provided in Listing 15 near the end of the lesson.
Beginning of Driver class for ActivateEvent01
Listing 2 shows the beginning of the Driver class for ActivateEvent01 .
LISTING 2: Beginning of Driver class for ActivateEvent01.
package CustomClasses{
import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.Label;
public class Driver extends VBox{
public function Driver(){
var label:Label = new Label();
label.text = "Click browser in debug mode"
}//end constructor
Extends the VBox class
The entire program is written in the Driver class and illustrates the activate and deactivate events of the EventDispatcher class.
This class extends the VBox class, so an object of this class is a VBox object.
Register event listeners
The first statement beginning with addEventListener registers an event listener on the VBox object causing it to execute the method named activateHandler when the Flash Player gains operating system focus and becomes the active program.
The second statement beginning with addEventListener registers an event listener on the VBox causing it to execute the deActivateHandler method when the Flash Player loses operating system focus and is no longer the active program.
The event handler methods
The two event handler methods are shown in Listing 3.
LISTING 3: The event handler methods.
private function activateHandler(event:Event):void{
trace("\nActivated\ncurrentTarget = "
+ event.currentTarget
+ "\ntarget = "
}//end activateHandler
private function deActivateHandler(event:Event):void{
trace("\nDeactivated\ncurrentTarget = "
+ event.currentTarget
+ "\ntarget = "
}//end deActivateHandler
}//end class
}//end package
Output produced by the trace function
When the methods are executed in debug mode, the call to the trace function extracts and displays property values from the incoming Event object.
This causes the material shown in Figure 2 to be displayed in the system console window each time the Flash Player gains and then loses the operating system focus.
Listing 3 also signals the end of the class and the end of the program named ActivateEvent01 .
The program named Effects03
This is a much more substantial program, which is based on a program in the Flex documentation . That program is written mostly in Flex MXML and contains the minimum amount of ActionScript code necessary to provide the desired behavior.
Online versions of the two programs
An online executable version of the program is available following the source code listing at the above site . I encourage you to run it and observe its behavior.
This version of the program is written almost entirely in ActionScript and contains only enough Flex MXML to make it possible to launch the program from within an HTML document. I also encourage you to run this version and observe its behavior.
Project file structure for Effects03
The project file structure for the program is shown in Figure 3, which shows a snapshot of the Flex Builder 3 Navigator panel.
Project file structure for Effects03. |
![]() |
Screen display at startup
The screen display at startup is shown in Figure 4.
Screen display at startup. |
![]() |
A creationComplete event
By the time that the snapshot shown in Figure 4 was taken, the application had already dispatched a creationComplete event and the event handler registered to listen for that event had caused the text "Creation Complete!" to be displayed in a TextArea object near the top of the browser window.
What is a creationComplete event?
According to the documentation , this event is dispatched "when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing." Therefore, other than the fact that the user starts the program running, the dispatching of this event type is completely beyond the control of the user.
Behavior of the program
This program uses a Resize object from the mx.effects package to cause the size of the image of the penguin shown in Figure 4 to be reduced to one-fourth of its original size over a period of 10 seconds when the user clicks the Start button shown at the bottom of Figure 4.
The behavior of the effect resulting from clicks on the other buttons at the bottom of Figure 4 generally matches the labels on the buttons.
Screen display after clicking Start and Pause
Figure 5 shows the screen display after clicking the Start button, allowing the effect to run for a few seconds, and then clicking the Pause button.
Screen display after clicking Start and Pause. |
![]() |
Servicing an effectStart event
As you will see later, clicking the Start button causes a method named play to be called on an object of the Resize class.
The Resize object dispatches an effectStart event whenever it starts playing an effect. An event handler, registered on the Resize object, causes the text "Effect Started!" to be displayed in the text area near the top of Figure 5.
Doesn't depend on user interaction
Even though the user clicked the Start button to cause the play method to be called on the Resize object in this case, the dispatching of the effectStart event is generally independent of user interaction and is triggered by a change of state within the program.
Could play the effect based on the time of day
For example, the play method could just as well have been called on the Resize object by another event handler that has determined that the time on the system clock has just struck midnight. In that case, the user could be home fast asleep and the effectStart event would still be dispatched.
Screen display after the effect has run to completion
The screen display in Figure 6 was captured after the user clicked the Resume button and allowed the effect to run to completion.
Screen display after the effect has run to completion. |
![]() |
Servicing an effectEnd event
The Resize object dispatches an effectEnd event when it finishes playing an effect. An event handler, registered on the Resize object, caused the text "Effect Ended!" to be displayed in the text area near the top of Figure 5.
Doesn't depend on user interaction
As before, the dispatching of the effectEnd event is generally independent of user interaction. Instead, it is triggered by a change of state within the program. In this case, at least ten seconds has elapsed since the user clicked the Start button to cause the effect to be played. Once again, the play method could just as well have been called on the Resize object by another event handler that has determined that the time on the system clock has struck midnight.
The MXML file
The MXML file used to launch this program as a Flex application is shown in Listing 14. The MXML code in Listing 14 simply instantiates an object of the Driver class file shown in theCustomClasses folder in Figure 2. From that point forward, the behavior of the program is entirely controlled by the ActionScript code that begins in Listing 4.
Event-driven aspects
This program may be interesting to you from two different perspectives. First, the event-driven aspects of the program illustrate the earlier discussion of the different types of events.
Some of the events that are serviced by the program, (such as click events on the buttons) , are dispatched as the direct result of user interaction. The remainder of the events, such as a creationComplete event, are dispatched independently of direct user interaction.
Correspondence between ActionScript and MXML code
The second interesting aspect of the program is that it illustrates that many things can be done using either Flex MXML code or ActionScript code.
The overall structure of this program is not identical to the structure of the program shown in the documentation . However, it is similar enough that you should be able to map the MXML code from the program in the documentation to the ActionScript code in this program and understand how the two relate to one another.
Will explain in fragments
I will break this program down and explain it in fragments. Aside from the MXML file shown in Listing 14, the program consists of a single class named Driver . A complete listing of theDriver class file is provided in Listing 16 near the end of the lesson.
Beginning of the class named Driver
The Driver class begins in Listing 4. Note that this class extends the Panel class, causing this program to have the same overall appearance as the program provided in the documentation.
LISTING 4: Beginning of Driver class for Effects03.
package CustomClasses{
import mx.containers.ControlBar;
import mx.containers.Panel;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.controls.Image;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
import mx.effects.Resize;
public class Driver extends Panel{
//Instantiate and save references to all of the
// objects required by the program.
private var resize:Resize = new Resize();
private var textOut:TextArea = new TextArea();
private var image:Image = new Image();
private var bar:ControlBar = new ControlBar();
private var startButton:Button = new Button();
private var pauseButton:Button = new Button();
private var resumeButton:Button = new Button();
private var reverseButton:Button = new Button();
private var endButton:Button = new Button();
private var resetButton:Button = new Button();
In addition to containing all of the required import directives, the code in Listing 4 instantiates and saves references to all of the objects required by the program.
Beginning of the constructor for Effects03
The constructor begins in Listing 5.
LISTING 5: Beginning of the constructor for Effects03.
public function Driver(){//constructor
this.title="Demonstration of the Resize effect.";
this.percentWidth = 100;
this.percentHeight = 100;
The code in Listing 5 sets several properties on the Panel object, which is the object with the light gray background shown in Figure 4. The Panel object is displayed in the browser window, which has a slightly darker gray background color in Figure 4.
Register an event listener
The last statement in Listing 5 registers an event listener named creationCompleteHandler to service creationComplete events dispatched by the Panel object.
As you will see later, the event handler causes the text "Creation Complete!" to be displayed in a TextArea object near the top of the Panel in Figure 4 when the Panel object and all of its children have been constructed, initialized, and drawn.
Prepare the TextArea object and add it to the Panel
Listing 6 sets some properties and some styles on the TextArea object and adds it near the top of the Panel as shown in Figure 4.
LISTING 6: Prepare the TextArea object and add it to the Panel.
textOut.percentWidth = 100;//percent
textOut.height = 100;//pixels
textOut.text = "Use the Buttons to control "
+ "the size of the image.";
This object will be used to display messages that track the progress of the program as the user clicks the buttons at the bottom of Figure 4. If the text area becomes full, a vertical scroll bar will automatically appear on the right side of the text area.
Prepare an embedded image and add it to the Panel
Listing 7 prepares an embedded image, loads it into an Image object, and adds the Image object to the Panel .
LISTING 7: Prepare an embedded image and add it to the Panel.
var img:Class;
Comparable MXML code
In case you're interested, the ActionScript code in Listing 7 is essentially comparable to the MXML code in Figure 7.
Comparable MXML code. |
Note, however, that in order to cause Figure 7 to fit into this narrow publication format, I inserted an extra line break character ahead of the second occurrence of the word "source." An MXML parser may not be willing to accept this line break.
Add the button bar to the panel
The six buttons at the bottom of Figure 4 are contained in an object of the class ControlBar , which was instantiated in Listing 4.
Listing 8 adds the ControlBar container to the Panel object.
LISTING 8: Add the button bar to the panel.
Prepare the six buttons for use
The code in Listing 9:
- Adds labels to each of the six buttons at the bottom of Figure 4.
- Registers the same event handler to service click events on each of the six buttons.
- Adds each of the six buttons to the button bar shown at the bottom of Figure 4.
LISTING 9: Prepare the six buttons for use.
//Set text on the six buttons.
startButton.label = "Start";
pauseButton.label = "Pause";
resumeButton.label = "Resume";
reverseButton.label = "Reverse";
endButton.label = "End";
resetButton.label = "Reset";
//Register a click listener on each button
//Add the six buttons to the button bar
Configure the Resize object
The resize effect that I described earlier is accomplished by calling the play method on the object of the class Resize that was instantiated in Listing 4.
Listing 10 targets that effect to the image shown in Figure 4. Listing 10 also specifies the final size of the image and the ten-second duration during which the resize effect will play.(Note that the original size of the image is 240x240 pixels and it will be resized to one-fourth of its original size.)
LISTING 10: Configure the Resize object. = image;
resize.widthTo = 60;
resize.heightTo = 60;
resize.duration = 10000;
} //end constructor
Register two event listeners
The first four statements in Listing 10 would be sufficient to play the effect if that was all that I wanted to do. In addition, however, my objective is to illustrate the servicing of events that are dispatched due to changes of state within the program.
Seven different types of events
A Resize object dispatches seven different types of events including the following two:
- effectStart - Dispatched when the effect starts playing.
- effectEnd - Dispatched when the effect finishes playing, either when the effect finishes playing or when the effect has been interrupted by a call to the end() method.
The last two statements in Listing 10 register event listeners on the Resize object for both of those types of events.
Listing 10 also signals the end of the constructor for the Driver class.
Event handlers registered on the Resize object
The two event handlers registered on the Resize object by Listing 10 are shown in Listing 11.
LISTING 11: Event handlers registered on the Resize object.
private function startEffectHandler(
textOut.text += "\nEffect Started!";
} //end event handler
private function endEffectHandler(
textOut.text += "\nEffect Ended!";
} //end event handler
The first method named startEffectHandler is executed each time the Resize object dispatches an effectStart event. The second method named endEffectHandler is executed each time the Resize object dispatches an effectEnd event.
Output text at the start and the end of the effect
The text in the text area at the top of Figure 5 shows the result of executing the startEffectHandler method from Listing 11.
The text in the text area at the top of Figure 6 shows the result of executing the endEffectHandler method from Listing 11.
(Note the small size of the image at the end of the resize effect in Figure 6 as compared to the size of the image at the beginning of the resize effect in Figure 4.)
Methods of the Resize class
The Resize class defines several methods including the following six (in alphabetical order) :
- end - Interrupts an effect that is currently playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the effect.
- pause - Pauses the effect until you call the resume method.
- play - Begins playing the effect.
- resume - Resumes the effect after it has been paused by a call to the pause method.
- reverse - Plays the effect in reverse (if the effect is currently playing) , starting from the current position of the effect.
- stop - Stops the effect, leaving the effect targets in their current state.
Common event handler for the buttons
Listing 12 shows a common event handler that is used to service click events on all six of the buttons at the bottom of Figure 4.
LISTING 12: Common event handler for the buttons.
private function btnHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
if ( == startButton) {;//start the effect
startButton.enabled = false;
}else if( == pauseButton){
resize.pause();//pause the effect
}else if( == resumeButton){
resize.resume();//resume the effect after a pause
}else if( == reverseButton){
resize.reverse();//reverse the effect
}else if( == endButton){
resize.end();//end the effect prematurely
}else{//reset the program to starting conditions
} //end else
} //end btnHandler
Identify the button that dispatched the event
Listing 12 extracts and uses the target property of the incoming MouseEvent object to identify which of the six buttons dispatched the click event that caused the method to be executed.
Call a corresponding method on the Resize object
For each of the first five buttons shown in Figure 4, Listing 12 calls a corresponding method from the above list on the Resize object. (Note that clicking the Start button causes theStart button to be disabled by the code in Listing 12. Note also that none of the buttons call the stop method from the above list.)
Service the Reset button
The sixth button, labeled Reset also calls the end method from the above list to cause the effect to immediately jump to the end. Then it executes some additional code to restore the image to its original size and to re-enable the Start button.
Service the creationComplete event dispatched by the Panel
That brings us to the final event handler method and the end of the program. The method shown in Listing 13 is executed when the Panel dispatches a creationComplete event.
LISTING 13: Event handler for the creationComplete event dispatched by the Panel.
private function creationCompleteHandler(
textOut.text += "\nCreation Complete!";
} //end event handler
As you saw in Figure 4, the code in this method causes the text "Creation Complete!" to be displayed in the text area when the Panel and all of its children have been created, initialized, and drawn.
Run the program
I encourage you to run this program from the web. Then copy the code from Listing 14 through Listing 16. Use that code to create Flex projects. Compile and run the projects. Experiment with the code, making changes, and observing the results of your changes. Make certain that you can explain why your changes behave as they do.
I will publish a list containing links to ActionScript resources as a separate document. Search for ActionScript Resources in the Connexions search box.
Complete program listings
Complete listings of the programs discussed in this lesson are provided in Listing 14 through Listing 16.
LISTING 14: The common MXML code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
LISTING 15: Driver class for ActivateEvent01.
//Illustrates the activate and deactivate events of the
// EventDispatcher class. Must run in debug mode to see
// the text output.
// Click on the browser to cause the Flash player
// to gain focus and fire an activate event.
// Click on the desktop to cause the Flash player to
// lose focus and fire a deactivate event.
package CustomClasses{
import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.Label;
public class Driver extends VBox{
public function Driver(){
var label:Label = new Label();
label.text = "Click browser in debug mode"
}//end constructor
private function activateHandler(event:Event):void{
trace("\nActivated\ncurrentTarget = "
+ event.currentTarget
+ "\ntarget = "
}//end activateHandler
private function deActivateHandler(event:Event):void{
trace("\nDeactivated\ncurrentTarget = "
+ event.currentTarget
+ "\ntarget = "
}//end deActivateHandler
}//end class
}//end package
LISTING 16: Driver class for Effects03.
/*This is an ActionScript version of a program that is
similar to the sample MXML program in the documentation
for the Effect class at:
/Effect.html. However, several changes were made to the
behavior of the program to make it more suitable for the
instructional purpose.
package CustomClasses{
import mx.containers.ControlBar;
import mx.containers.Panel;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.controls.Image;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
import mx.effects.Resize;
public class Driver extends Panel{
//Instantiate and save references to all of the
// objects needed by the program.
private var resize:Resize = new Resize();
private var textOut:TextArea = new TextArea();
private var image:Image = new Image();
private var bar:ControlBar = new ControlBar();
private var startButton:Button = new Button();
private var pauseButton:Button = new Button();
private var resumeButton:Button = new Button();
private var reverseButton:Button = new Button();
private var endButton:Button = new Button();
private var resetButton:Button = new Button();
public function Driver(){//constructor
this.title="Demonstration of the Resize effect.";
this.percentWidth = 100;
this.percentHeight = 100;
//Set textOut properties and add to the panel.
textOut.percentWidth = 100;//percent
textOut.height = 100;//pixels
textOut.text = "Use the Buttons to control "
+ "the size of the image.";
//Prepare an embedded image and add the Image
// object to the panel.
var img:Class;
//Add the button bar to the panel.
//Set text on the six buttons.
startButton.label = "Start";
pauseButton.label = "Pause";
resumeButton.label = "Resume";
reverseButton.label = "Reverse";
endButton.label = "End";
resetButton.label = "Reset";
//Register a click listener on each button
//Add the six buttons to the button bar
//Configure the Resize effect. Note that the
// original size of the image is 240x240. = image;
resize.widthTo = 60;
resize.heightTo = 60;
resize.duration = 10000;
} //end constructor
//This common button handler is used to service click
// event on all six of the buttons.
private function btnHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
if ( == startButton) {;//start the effect
startButton.enabled = false;
}else if( == pauseButton){
resize.pause();//pause the effect
}else if( == resumeButton){
resize.resume();//resume the effect after a pause
}else if( == reverseButton){
resize.reverse();//reverse the effect
}else if( == endButton){
resize.end();//end the effect prematurely
}else{//reset the program to starting conditions
} //end else
} //end btnHandler
//This event handler method is executed when the
// effect ends.
private function endEffectHandler(
textOut.text += "\nEffect Ended!";
} //end event handler
//This event handler method is executed when the
// effect starts
private function startEffectHandler(
textOut.text += "\nEffect Started!";
} //end event handler
//This event handler method is executed when the
// application dispatches a creationComplete event.
private function creationCompleteHandler(
textOut.text += "\nCreation Complete!";
} //end event handler
} //end class
} //end package
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